by Brian Clement
In today's society it is prevalent to blame others for everything that has happened to us from the cradle to the grave. It is almost universally accepted for no one to live one's life accepting the fact that he or she is the primary person who has the ability to change and enliven one's own life by one's own actions.
One of the first things we must do when we try to change our life style is to take responsibility for ourselves. Whatever has happened to us and our bodies in the past can ultimately only be changed by taking responsibility for our minds and our bodies, and not looking to the past to blame, but to the future to the new person we can become if we change our preconceptions.
Taking responsibility is hard and not for the faint of heart. One must be willing to look inside oneself and devote time and study into what one's own heart, mind, and body need to become whole and healthy, enabling one to live a happy, enjoyable life. This encompasses one's health, heart, mind, and body. If you are in poor health you must do the research to find the path to health. Look to what your are consuming, look to your exercise habits, find out what you can do to make your body heal, and then DO WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE IT BETTER.
Where is your spiritual being? A big part of your health in is your heart and your mind so you must look to whatever spiritual guidance that you, yourself, can reach out to, take hold of and make it your guide. Everyone must look to a higher power and that higher power can be different for each person, but it is there if you meditate, concentrate, and seek it. This is another way to take responsibility for yourself, make yourself well, and achieve happiness.
To be able to wake up in the morning and look forward to another day, to seize that day and make every moment count, to go through the day doing our best to make it joyful not only for ourselves but to have in some way, made it joyful for another, and to end the day with the satisfaction that this was a good and productive day, should be our goal. If we have taken the responsibility for our own lives, this is an achievable goal.
To point the finger of blame to another person, place, or thing, to sue the "company," to try to put the responsibility for one's own life onto someone or something else, will not at any time make our own lives enjoyable. The responsibility for our happiness lies in our own hands. Let us take the challenge to make ourselves well by accepting this responsibility and go forward into a more productive and fruitful future.
Ten reasons why all of us should be troubled about the rapid proliferation of genetically engineered foods:
Of the 50 or so genetically engineered plants currently cleared by the government for use, most fall into two basic categories: plants engineered to include their own pesticide, a toxin produced by the BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) bacterium, and plants engineered to survive weed killers, including the so-called "Roundup-Ready" soybeans and cotton.
BT is a natural and highly effective pesticide that has long been used by organic growers to control caterpillars and other pests. What organic farmers and gardeners use sparingly, biotechnology has introduced into each cell of every genetically engineered plant, from the roots to the pollen to the chaff plowed under after harvest. Because of BT's ubiquitous presence in millions of acres of crops, even the industry's own scientists concede that it is just a matter of time — as little as three to five years — before BT resistant insect strains evolve. Directives that farmers interplant these BT carrying crops with non-modified varieties are expected to merely delay the inevitable. When the inevitable happens, organic growers will lose a powerful pest control, and conventional growers will return to chemical pesticides — unless, of course, biotechnology can come up with yet a new generation of pest-immune crops.
Although there is no evidence that BT carrying crops hurt humans, there is something unsettling about eating food that is itself a pesticide registered with the EPA. Unlike conventional pesticides, the built-in BT bug killer cannot be washed off; it is in every bite.
Scientists also warn that some herbicide-tolerant crops are cross-pollinating with wild cousins and could create herbicide-resistant weeds. Another threat, according to Jane F. Rissler, PhD, Deputy Director/Senior Staff Scientist for the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists (, is that some genetically engineered crops themselves, bred to resist insects and other natural controls, could become invasive, spreading beyond their fields and choking out natural habitats.
Organic farmers could lose their certification and face huge financial losses if their fields are contaminated by wind-born pollen from neighboring genetically modified crops. Even nonorganic farmers are at risk for problems. In Canada, Monsanto accused canola grower Percy Schmeiser of patent infringement after the company found genetically engineered Roundup Ready canola plants in Schmeiser's fields. Schmeiser claims he never planted any Monsanto seeds. After mediation efforts failed, Schmeiser filed a ten million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto, claiming libel, trespass, and contamination of his fields. The litigation continued until the case was decided in Canada's Supreme Court in May, 2004. Monsanto's patents were upheld but Schmeiser was not required to pay Monsanto. However, the issue of contamination continues for Schmeiser, according to his web site
Cornell University researchers made headlines when they announced laboratory research showing that monarch butterfly larvae died after eating milkweed dusted with genetically engineered corn pollen containing the BT pesticide. Milkweed, the monarch's primary food source, commonly grows alongside corn. Researchers in Europe have made similar discoveries involving ladybugs and green lacewings, both beneficial insects. Yet another study, reported in 1997 in the British publication New Scientist, indicates that honeybees may be harmed by feeding on proteins found in genetically engineered canola flowers.
Microbiologists at New York University have found that the BT toxin in residues of genetically altered corn and rice crops persists in soils for up to eight months and depresses microbial activity. In another study, scientists in Oregon tested an experimental genetically engineered soil microbe in the laboratory and found it killed wheat plants when it was added to the soil in which they were grown.
Even as the biotech industry and government regulators have assured us that there is no reason to worry, a growing body of evidence indicates that genetic engineering can cause unintended changes to our food, making it less nutritious or even harmful. For example, a study in a 1998-99 issue of the Journal of Medicinal Food indicates that compared with non-modified soy varieties, genetically altered, herbicide-tolerant varieties may contain lower levels of potentially beneficial plant estrogens. Another study, reported in a 1996 article in the International Journal of Health Services, warns that milk produced from cows injected with Monsanto's controversial genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (BGH) contains higher levels of a growth factor that may be linked to increased risk of both breast and gastrointestinal cancers in humans. Americans have been drinking unlabeled BGH produce milk for years, but it has always been banned in Canada and Europe.
The foundation of genetic engineering is DNA, which directs the production of proteins. Proteins are also common sources of human allergies. When DNA from one organism is spliced into another, can it turn a non-allergenic food into one that will cause an allergic reaction in some people? Yes, reported researchers in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1996. The case involved an attempt by the Iowa based biotech seed company Pioneer Hi-Bred International to change the protein content of soybeans by adding a gene from the Brazil nut. When researchers tested the modified soybean on people with sensitivity to Brazil nuts (but no sensitivity to soybeans), they found it triggered an allergic reaction. Based on those findings, the company shelved development of the soybean. The author of an editorial in the same issue wrote that the next case could be less ideal, and the public less fortunate.
People who choose not to eat animals for religious or moral reasons face an almost impossible task with many genetically engineered foods. When cold-hardiness genes from flounder are spliced into tomatoes, or genes from chickens are added to potatoes for increased disease resistance, are those vegetables still, purely speaking, vegetables? Without mandatory labeling, how can people who object to eating any trace of meat know what they are getting?
Genetic engineers use antibiotic marker genes to help them transfer genetic coding from one life form to another. Some scientists worry that this process could compound the already serious problem of antibiotic resistance in humans. Government scientists in Britain warn that the antibiotic resistance introduced into humans from genetically modified foods could render established medical treatments for such infections as meningitis and gonorrhea ineffective.
Because genetic engineering research is so expensive, for-profit corporations whose primary goal is return on investment, not public good, largely control it. These corporations are rapidly buying up seed companies and gaining control of entire food production systems and educational research facilities. Farmers who use this patented technology are prohibited from the time-honored tradition of saving seed to use the following season. They are forced into a costly cycle of corporate dependency.
The results of 50 years of chemical-based "high-tech" agriculture have made clear that we must rethink the way we grow food. The answer lies in a return to sustainable, organic growing practices. Our children and grandchildren have just one future. Are we willing to risk it?
by Bob DelMonteque, ND
Many years ago I was shocked to find one of my formerly obese friends looking fit, sexy, and 20 years younger. As a matter of fact, when I first laid eyes on her, I didn't recognize her. Being a positive and upbeat person who walked off the trail sometime before, getting lost in food as a friend, she causally told me that she cut a picture of a healthy body of a well-known woman and replaced the head with a picture of her own head. She placed this composite all around her house. From this genius idea forward she utilized all of her mental will and physical power to become the hard-bodied youth she had never been. Eight months later and 93 pounds lighter, this living-food bodybuilder and aerobic enthusiast was a living example of what each of us can create when our vision is grand for the right cause. Our bodies can be one of our best friends but it does not like to carry additional pounds, be clogged with poison and fats, or have sluggish nerves and crumbling bones. Our discombobulated thoughts create discombobulated bodies. We must always recognize that it is not only our brain cells that make things happen but also our body cells are ready and able at any given moment. Back in the twentieth century we taught people to sit, contemplate and reflect -- in the twenty-first it demands we create, achieve, and accomplish.
There is not time to philosophize about having the body of our dreams. All energy should be placed in a rational step-by-step process that brings about internal, physical, and spiritual strength that will bring us magnificent vehicles to carry us forward into the future.
Recently I read an interview with an eighty-year-old Charles-Atlas-type man who looked decades younger. When asked his secret, he said it was simple; raw foods, exercise, and an endlessly inquisitive desire to reach the excitement of tomorrow. Find your way back to yourself and give yourself the gift of a body that can lift and excite you.
LOVE, THE TRUE BELIEF - by Brian Clement
by Brian Clement
When we hear the word "love" it brings to mind the soft spring days and golden enchantment of romantic relationships, or the all-accepting warmth found in a family's caring that surrounds and fills us. It is really the finest of feelings that humans can have and the one thing that we hope for throughout our lives. A life without love seems hardly worth living. It's so important for each of us to grasp the understanding of the depth of feeling that can be generated on all levels of life, through love.
Love gives us reason, which is an essential part of the full experience of life. If there is no motivation or reason to do something, we flounder and cannot progress. We move slowly and wander, rather than step vigorously and move forward. Love gives us the impetus, the drive, and the feeling that we can achieve and succeed. Love is a power that no other belief can touch or come close to. It is the ultimate, the largest power of all.
The belief of love can bring a sense of goodness into your life and goodness can then grow into success. All people have reason for wanting love, and of course, the greatest love of all is self-love. Self-love is the ultimate of beliefs. All things surround our view of life and how we achieve in and fit in life. Love is the foundation of all worthwhile activity.
Each of us has to look at ourselves every day and ask, "Do we love ourselves enough to achieve what's right and what's best?" Let us hope that the answer is "yes." Self-love is the only belief that constantly gives us harmony and energy. When love is embraced fully and our life becomes replete with it, all things that we involve ourselves with become smooth and happy experiences. There is nothing that is a disaster when one has love as his or her true belief. Love can eradicate the largest of monsters and the smallest of problems. It can sweep like a windstorm across a desert that is void of affection and void of success.
There is no doubt that the greatest potential that human beings have is to surrender to love. The only way that we will move ahead in a true belief capable of bringing us all the things we need, all the things we truly desire, and all the things that are necessary for us to fulfill our existence, is love. Love is the foundation, the base, and the essence of all belief. No matter how small a belief is, no matter how trivial that one considers a belief to be, a true belief always has an initial spark of love to ignite it into the movement of belief, which transforms itself into achievement. It is very important for each and every one of us, within our daily life, to stop whenever we are uncomfortable with our involvements and recognize that somewhere at the base of every action must be this drive to find and nurture love within ourselves. Here at Hippocrates, the foremost thing we teach is that love of self creates love of others.
by Brian Clement
Give yourself everything you need to understand everything there is. Go seek the knowledge, and while accomplishing this feat do not wallow in the mere fact that you have reached a bit of understanding. Remember that this is only one step in the pursuit. It takes many small steps to get to the place where you can find the start to the right path.
We are taught mathematical formulae in school such as 8 + 8 = 16. When we accomplish the understanding that 16 is the answer, we are then drawn on to master the next set of questions and answers for more understanding. In other areas of our lives we do not seem to comprehend as readily the absolute demand placed on us to continue. We often move our whole life from one place to another expecting that action alone to accomplish all the answers. But if we neglect to continue actively seeking ever more understanding, we will be denying our capacity for growth.
It is for us to recognize opportunity when it appears and determine what the message is. Too often we neglect to acknowledge that first step in achieving success. We somehow believe that we can reach our goals without a step-by-step plan toward our desired success. Opportunity presents itself as a stairway to creation.
Throughout history there have been oppressed and downtrodden people. All of the visible signs would show little hope for them. Then we see one unique individual rise above the illusion of hopelessness and seize the opportunities that exist.
This incredible linking of personal opportunities that bring success is working in every area of your life. Spend time searching for your direction through your need. Do not allow your needs to be your enemies. They are only there to bring you happiness.
As we aspire to reach great places, we create jewels, the rich gifts that are brought to us through our own efforts. Dreamers who have the grace to proceed with actions will fill their lives completely. Vision and commitment lead them to the treasure-house of opportunities. Everything in life is available as needed. Attract those things that are tools of knowledge and reject those that are motivators of fear. There are no problem or limits once you start on the way. You can do everything necessary.
by Brian Clement
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap" is as true today as when it was written. If we send only negative out into the world, nothing positive will be able to come back to us. If we have no respect for others, how can they possibly respect us in return? However, love expressed will be returned over and over again. We will receive from others what we give to them and we can be sure the love and affection we are able to give will not go unnoticed.
Most of us become over time defensive and retaliatory. We become obsessed with what he did or what she said and then getting back at whomever it was that hurt us in some way, either physically or mentally. We can control this behavior by concentrating on sending only loving messages. This will be hard at first, as we have become conditioned to responding "in kind" and not with a loving heart. It is difficult to try to overcome painful comments and behavior directed towards oneself, but with time and perseverance, it can be accomplished.
Many times we feel like criticizing someone who has said something to hurt us just to retaliate. We tell ourselves it is just "clearing the air." We need to stop and consider whether or not this will help or harm our relationship with this person, or whether it would be better to reflect upon the actual impact our words would have and turn within ourselves to express a loving thought in their direction. How many times have we regretted what we have said and wished we could take it back? How much easier our lives would be if we just held our tongues, took a moment of quiet, forced ourselves to think kind thoughts and finally sent those kind thoughts in the direction of the person who has offended us.
It is very difficult to change our reactions, but there comes a time in everyone's life when we must become wholly responsible for our response to others' actions. Blaming someone else for "starting it" is childish and offers no hope for an improvement in relations, and keeps us mired in the past. To grow in our personal life we must be willing to accept the fact that a change in our behavior is necessary, and indeed, fundamental, if our future is to be a bright and happy one.
To start, imagine yourself absorbing nothing but love coming towards you, then imagine the people you contact and see how sending nothing but love their way will affect their lives. If we thoughtfully make choices about our behavior, we can then set an example of loving and giving for others that will make a change not only in their lives but in our own life as well. As we progress in learning how to send only loving thoughts, it sends a message to our brain to block out the hurtful, destructive images and replace them with harmony and healing ideas which enrich our own lives. What we send out to the world should be the best that we have and in so doing we will enrich our own souls tenfold.
BOUYANT ZEAL by Brian Clement
by Brian Clement
I read this in the comic strip Rose is Rose and thought to myself, what a wonderful expression. This is how we should all live our lives — with buoyant zeal. The dictionary says buoyant means "to lift the spirits of" and zeal is "enthusiastic and intensive interest." What a wonderful combination! It makes you feel happy just to say and to think of it. What a way to live life using the ability to lift our own and other people's spirits with an enthusiastic and intensive interest in all things.
If we can take a real interest in others' thoughts, plans, and ideas, we enrich our own lives. Just by really listening when others need an ear to help and a shoulder to cry on. To extend a helping hand to lift another from negative thoughts and depression, we fill our own lives because by lifting their spirits we cannot help but lift ours along with theirs. With this effort to help we gain new knowledge and experiences that will help guide us in our future relations with all people.
To be happy is to be welcomed everywhere, not with a false grin and platitudes on our lips, but with a genuine happy heart and a gladness to be wherever we may be, with an openness to new people, new ideas, new thoughts and to welcome this newness with open arms. This is to lead a life with a generosity of spirit which in turn leads ourselves to a better and more fruitful existence.
To attack life in all ways with zeal — real zeal — not an all-consuming negative passion but an open love for life and all things in it should be the goal of all humanity. It takes zeal to make a difference not necessarily in the whole world, but just in your neighborhood, to clean up an area, to help in a senior citizen's home, to aid at a childcare center, to mentor at a school, these all help you live your life so that it not only benefits others but gives you a zest to live life to the fullest.
When we are buoyant we bring others up to our level, not let them drag us down to their depths. To be buoyant is to float to the top and this is where our lives should be led, filled with elation and enthusiasm. To be happy to wake up in the morning knowing we have something important to do that will not just fill our day but make our day profitable and significant — a day like no other.
To live with buoyant zeal is to make every day count. We are all living with a limited lifespan and no one is exempt from this fact. We do not want to look back and see how many days we have wasted on selfish ends, but to look back with a small amount of satisfaction and see how the little things we did each day grew to be a life full of small victories that has led to a great garden of joys that have blossomed more each day. One short day living with buoyant zeal can lead to a lifetime of happy days filled with positive emotions. Be well.
AND THEN IT GOT BETTER by Brian Clement - Hippocrates Institute
by Brian Clement
Why do we say this so many times when what we mean is that it all got worse! It is the tag line to so many tales of woe at work and at home that we know the ending to it. Our litany of woes goes on and on, and then we say — and then it got better! Meaning what a day I have had, everybody but me did not know what he or she were doing, the only reason the place didn't burn down was because of my diligence! What a wonderful and unbelievably capable person I am and look at how much I have to put up with!
That 's all well and good and we all know we have days when we feel like that, but let's take a moment and think about what in our lives "got better." As we live from day to day, things seem to slide along and we do not contemplate what has improved in our lives, what we have that is so much more than what our parents and grandparents have, and where our lives took a turn into the shape they are in now.
The difference in our lives between what our parents and grandparents had is phenomenal. The information highway alone brings us news instantly, wherein not so long ago some of the places we get news from no one had ever heard of, much less cared about. We know the weather on the moon even though most of us do not plan to drive in that direction. We can plan for delays at the airport by looking at the weather channel and checking on the climate at our destination and listening for airport delays. Even though we might still be stuck at the airport, now we know why!
Speaking of the airport, we get to places faster, smoother, and go more places without the planning and care of vacation time that our predecessors did. People now take mini-vacations over a three-day weekend to the Bahamas or skiing or skydiving or whatever. Remember the excitement of planning the family "vacation" each year? What used to take months of planning now takes a phone call, throw some clothes in a carry-on, and off we go. Yes, things are better for us in so many ways, yet with our lives moving at warp speed we do not stop and take a moment to be grateful for the improvements.
If we take care of ourselves, watch our diet, exercise, and tend to our spiritual side, we will live longer and happier lives than our forebears ever thought of. The information about diet and exercise is plentiful, we simply must research it, throw out the jetsam, adjust our habits accordingly, and we can enjoy the abundant life.
In our spiritual lives we have even more to choose from. With the knowledge that we have gained we can use our minds and souls to discover a higher power that will lead us to pray for the rest of mankind to enable them to attain the better existence that we have become so used to.
Yes there are downsides to all of this, but it is definitely not the downside that used to be. We do have new worries about our children and about the world we live in, but, on the whole, we have so much to be thankful for and so much is well that we should be, if not content, then happy to be able to say — and then it got better, and mean it!
AN OLD TRUTH - by Brian Clement - Hippocrates Institute
by Brian Clement
In our work at the Hippocrates Institute, the use of raw and living foods has evolved into a new way of living and eating, seeing a new relationship between food and life. This relationship is not a new or novel concept; rather it is a re-emergence of an ancient truth. Germinating and sprouting of foods, use of grasses and leafy green vegetables, the importance of juices, and the careful usage of some dehydrated and fermented foods are the keys to this re-emergence.
Many ancient cultures knew the value of germinating and sprouting grains, seeds, legumes, and nuts. The use of sprouted seeds for food and medicine is more than twice as old as the Great Wall of China and was even noted in Chinese historical records. Today, more and more data is being compiled on the amazing nutritional value of sprouting. The living foods that are germinated and sprouted afford us the most concentrated natural sources of vitamins, chelated minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. These also contain abundant enzymes and bioelectrical energy, a most important reason for their desirability. Pound for pound, lentils and other bean sprouts contain as much protein as red meat, yet in a digestible form without the fat, cholesterol, hormones, and antibiotics that are found in meat.
Germination is the important process which results when seeds, grains, legumes, and nuts are soaked in water for a period of time. Water removes certain metabolic inhibitors which are present to protect the seed from bacterial invasion and preserve it during its dormant state. Soaked seeds are more easily digested. During the germination process the seed springs into life and becomes more available nutritionally for human needs. Germination is the process employed to make many of the seed and nut sauces at the Institute and is also the first step in the sprouting process. Sprouting carries this life-beginning process farther, resulting in a variety of living foods, such as sunflower seeds and buckwheat seeds.
In our research at the Institute we have concluded that while there are virtually endless varieties of foods that can be sprouted, the most beneficial sprouts have evolved which provide for different types of utilization by the body. Wheatgrass and tray-grown greens provide chlorophyll, and clean and rebuild the body most efficiently. The next group of efficient greens is alfalfa, clover, radish, cabbage, daikon, chia, and broccoli. The energy givers are the grains wheat, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, and the legumes pinto, navy, red, and white beans. Mung and adzuki also provide important minerals, and fenugreek should be added for improved digestion and elimination.
It is a fact that today we are re-examining the foods we eat and going back to the ancient truths of proper diet through living foods. The health benefits we get from these inexpensive, abundant, and nutritious foods are the ideal way to combat the modern day problems of dietary deficiency, and the only way to combat world hunger.
Garlic may lead to small reductions in Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:813-824.
Objectives To summarize the effects of garlic on several cardiovascular-related factors and to note its adverse effects.
Methods English and non-English citations were identified from 11 electronic databases, references, manufacturers, and experts from January 1966 through February 2000 (depending on the database searched). Reports of cardiovascular-related effects were limited to randomized controlled trials lasting at least 4 weeks. Reports of adverse effects were not limited by study design. From 1798 pertinent records, 45 randomized trials and 73 additional studies reporting adverse events were identified. Two physicians abstracted outcomes and assessed adequacy of randomization, blinding, and handling of dropouts. Standardized mean differences of lipid outcomes from placebo-controlled trials were adjusted for baseline differences and pooled using random effects methods.
Results Compared with placebo, garlic preparations may lead to small reductions in the total cholesterol level at 1 month (range of average pooled reductions, 0.03-0.45 mmol/L [1.2-17.3 mg/dL]) and at 3 months (range of average pooled reductions 0.32-0.66 mmol/L [12.4-25.4 mg/dL]), but not at 6 months. Changes in low-density lipoprotein levels and triglyceride levels paralleled total cholesterol level results; no statistically significant changes in high-density lipoprotein levels were observed. Trials also reported significant reductions in platelet aggregation and mixed effects on blood pressure outcomes. No effects on glycemic-related outcomes were found. Proven adverse effects included malodorous breath and body odor. Other unproven effects included flatulence, esophageal and abdominal pain, allergic reactions, and bleeding.
Conclusions Trials suggest possible small short-term benefits of garlic on some lipid and antiplatelet factors, insignificant effects on blood pressure, and no effect on glucose levels. Conclusions regarding clinical significance are limited by the marginal quality and short duration of many trials and by the unpredictable release and inadequate definition of active constituents in study preparations.
From the San Antonio Evidence-based Practice Center, University of Texas Health Science Center (Drs Ackermann, Mulrow, Ramirez, and Lawrence), Veterans Evidence-based Research Dissemination Implementation Center, Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital, San Antonio (Drs Mulrow, Ramirez, and Lawrence); Center for Research in Disease Prevention, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif (Dr Gardner); and the Istituto di Clinica Medica Universita degli Studi di Ancona, Ancona, Italy (Dr Morbidoni). Dr Gardner is now with the Center for Advanced Studies in Nutrition and Social Marketing, University of California, Davis. - Healthy Lifestyles and more

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We are most appreciative of those companies and individuals who donated gifts, food and services for our FUNdraising Party & Raffle of December 20, 2006
High Vibe Health & Healing/Bob Dagger
Bell Bates Health Food Store
Live Live Health Store/Christopher
Cher Carden
Good Stuff by Mom and Me/Laurie & Rebecca Bosch
The Sprout Lady/Rita
Dr.Olga Gusel
Deepak Chopra Center
Urban Organic/Daniel
Dr. Trish Rossi
Dr. Jay Liss, Chiropractor
Brenda Cobb
Michael Fisher and David Kyrk
Bonobo's Raw Restaurant
Caravan of Dreams Restaurant
Cole Lopez
Coconut Island Coconuts/Kevin Shuker & Eric Csoka
Nadine Cohen
Felicia of Felicia's Heart Light, Live Soul Food
Organic Avenue/Denise Mari
Arlene B. Donar, M.A., N.D.
Joshua Shome, LAc
M.A.R.C. Holistic Center
Amy Rachelle
Alok Holistic Health Center
Rhio's Raw Energy/Rhio
Beso Entertainment/Leigh
The Food Emporium Pokras
Quintessence Restaurant
Tony White
Almond Milk - video
One hand on the camera - making the milk with the other hand...
Just mix a hand full of almonds previously soaked (24 h)with a bit of salt. Result "Almond Milk" - better than cow...
Raw For 30
Onion Bread

9 (2 pieces each serving)
This is an easy, flavorful flatbred than can be used to make sandwiches, to dip or to eat alone. Based on a recipe by Matt Amsden. Basically, the paste to onion ratio has been boosted for a thicker consistency and the Nama Shoyu percentage is down for taste. This is an easy recipe for variations!
- 3 yellow onions, large
- 1 cup flax seeds (golden, brown or a combo), ground in food processor
- 1 cup raw sunflower seeds, ground in a food processor
- ½ cup Braggs or Nama Shoyu
- ¼ cup cold pressed olive oil
Peel and half the onions. Slice in a food processor (with slicing disc). Place in large bowl and mix with rest of ingredients until thoroughly combined. Spread 2 cups over a Teflex sheet, repeat until all of mixture is used. Dehydrate at 100°F for 24 hours (38ºC). Flip and return to dehydrator for 12 hours. Cut into 9 equal pieces (2 cuts horizontally, 2 cuts vertically). Usually makes 18 pieces.
- LOVE, THE TRUE BELIEF - by Brian Clement
- BOUYANT ZEAL by Brian Clement
- AND THEN IT GOT BETTER by Brian Clement - Hippocra...
- AN OLD TRUTH - by Brian Clement - Hippocrates Inst...
- Garlic may lead to small reductions in Cardiovasc...
- - Healthy Lifestyles and more
- Almond Milk - video
- Trident Gum Deception - Dr. Mercola
- What Can You Use As a Skin Moisturizer?
- No Trans Fat Deception - Dr. Mercola
- Would You Drink Diet Water? -Dr. Mercola
- Why Soy Is NOT a Health Food - Dr Mercola
- Raw For 30
- Onion Bread
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